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The best bed bug heat equipment anywhere.


It’s all about the airflow

by Tommy Underhill
September 30, 2019

If you’ve never had the experience of being in a bed bug heat treatment, it can be a singular experience. What hits your first is the intense, convected heat and the buffeting airflow— sort of like walking into a 140°F whirlwind.

GreenTech Heat has been in the heated vortex from the very beginning. We were there as Drs. Forbes and Ebling developed the initial thermal technologies for the eradication of termites and other wood-destroying organisms in 1989, and drove the commercial acceptance and expansion of heat. Dr Linford was there, and was the first to train PCOs in dynamic, convected heat.

Many companies extoll the virtues of insecticidal heat treatments when killing bed bugs with heat. In our book, it’s not just ambient heat that does the job— it’s convected heat.

Toilet paper helps a techncian assess what cannot be seen: moving air.Monitoring airflow is important to ensure the convected heat makes its way under, over, and around everything in the treatment area. When the air does not flow behind a dresser, into (and out of!) a closet, and under a mattress, cold spots persists and bed bugs survive. Tom Costello has talked about using a sprig of toilet paper to help visualize airflow.

Keep your air intakes clean and clear for a strong bed bug heat treatment.As you direct the airflow under beds, around dressers, and behind cabinets, you’ll discover bits of life that can lie hidden for years, including small scraps of paper and dust bunnies! You’ll want to keep an eye on the fan and heater intakes and make sure they remain free of detritus that can (and will!) limit airflow through the bed bug heaters and fans. Something as simple as a couple of old grocery store receipts can decrease airflow through a fan or heater by 10% or more!

The only no-cost bed bug solution is to not get them in the first place. The most responsive plan is one that quickly stops the spread of bed bugs when one is found and kills all adults and eggs in one treatment. The best and fastest treatment for bed bugs— and other insects— is convected heat. Call us at 888-699-3944 to get the bed bug heat treatment equipment you need to kill all bed bugs and their eggs in as little as one day.

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Ph: 1-855-484-2847

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