Your technical manual was worth the price of our entire Titan package. It has helped us with so many valuable techniques and procedures which has in turn helped our clients. We need more manuals because we’ve worn out the one that came with our package.
Doug Foster Burt’s Pest Control
Michael R. Linford Ph.D.
The use of convected heat was first introduced to the structural pest control industry by Drs. Charles Forbes, Walter Ebeling, and Michael R. Linford. In the thirty-plus years since conceiving, developing, commercializing, and patenting this technology, Dr. Linford has owned several entities to continue the expansion of the methodology. These entities include Isothermics, TPE Associates, Strategic Bed Bug Innovations, and lastly GreenTech Heat. During this developmental and expansion period some of the names Dr. Linford has assigned to this technology are Thermal Pest Eradication, TPE, ThermaPure, ThermaPure Heat, and GreenTech Heat. He continues to move this technology forward for insect infestation and microbial contamination.
—from Hot House, a Selective History of Convected Heat in the Pest Control and Remediation Industries
Professional Background
GreenTech Heat Solutions
Founder, Owner, and CEO 2003 to present
Innovates and manufactures heaters and related equipment for the eradication of insects and odor control due to bacteria and VOCs. Provides training for companies in applying Linford’s heat treatment methodology using his EPA registered technical manuals.
Developed and expanded treatment processes, and co-authored two new treatment manuals for the insect eradication market: Bed Bug and Other Pests Heat Treatment Field Guide, and Termite and Other WDO Heat Treatment Field Guide.
Co-authored Hot House: a Selective History of Convected Heat in the Pest Control and Remediation Industries.
Oversaw and directed the compilation of the Thermal Death Point Compendium for reference treatment temperatures and durations for many insect and microbial pests.
Expanded the market reach and penetration from national to international with sales to more than 20 countries.
Developed four new electrical heaters to address smaller treatment areas than those served by existing direct fired TPE 500/Titan heaters. The ePro 400, ePro 600, ePro 400 hotel single cord +, and the ePro 1400. The ePro 1400 delivers twice the total output than the competition’s heater with less than half the weight.
Expanded the market from pest control to include property management; residential including senior housing, apartments and condos; hotels/motels; HUD/housing authorities; hospitals and other medical providers; summer camps; and transportation and aircraft operators.
Developed the direct fired Titan 800 which increased the original TPE 500 power output from 500,000 BTU to 990,000 BTU with improved power and airflow.
Developed the Titan 450 which produces output comparable to the TPE 500 but is 28%. lighter, and can be transported in a smaller vehicle.
Expanded and developed new market applications to include vehicle decontamination, grain silos, furniture decontamination, and general import/export decontamination.
Developed an active reseller channel.
Developed a unique magnetic fire sprinkler cover.
TPE Associates, LLC
Founder and Co-Owner, 1989 to 2012
Licenses and trains companies to use ThermaPureHeat, a patented technology that eradicates bed bugs, drywood termites and other wood boring insects, disinfects infestations of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and mold; outgases aldehydes, kills dust mites and denatures their waste, reduces asthma triggers, oxidizes odors, dries structures using engineered, heated, circulating air coupled with air scrubbers, temperature probes along with other equipment.
Developed a non-chemical insect eradication methodology, expanded the patent base and commercialized the methodology which utilizes circulating heated air, temperature probes, fans, and portable heaters and ducts.
Developed two defensible patents as part of the IP base for TPE Associates and participated in the development of several additional patents.
Wrote Technical and Procedural Manuals in 1989, 1999, 2004, 2012 developed a technical language and established training methodology to equip newly licensed companies with the ability to deliver said technology to the consumer for money.
Introduced ThermaPureHeat (originally Thermal Pest Eradication/TPE), a revolutionary pest eradication technology, to the Structural Pest Control industry in California, Texas, and Florida.
Initiated public relations campaign that resulted in over 1000 articles being published in media such as Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, NY Times, LA Times, Peter Jennings World News, INN, CNN, Readers’ Digest, ABC Coast to Coast, ABC Australia, regarding Thermal Pest Eradication
Facilitated research by professors at UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, UC Dominguez Hills, University of Hawaii and University of Florida in thermal eradication methodologies and research studies to independently authenticate efficacy and expand applications.
Licensed and trained pest control companies in the patented ThermaPureHeat Technology like Terminix, Orkin, Western and environmental remediation companies across the nation.
Awarded the Best New Product in California and the Best New Product in the Nation by National Society of Professional Engineers in 1990 and 1991 respectively.
Nominated by the Congressional Judiciary Committee in 2010 to receive the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.
Achieved having ThermaPureHeat placed in the Federal Register as an acceptable treatment for shipping, packaging and imported materials.
ThermaPureHeat now involves 9 patents or pending patents, 28 trademarks, numerous copyrighted technical training materials, manuals and trade secret information.
Established Bed Bug treatment protocol using ThermaPureHeat.
Coordinated an efficacy study conducted by UC Berkeley and Dr. Vernard Lewis’ laboratories which confirmed ThermaPureHeat is effective in killing bed bugs with heat and is ovicidal (kills bed bug eggs).
Published in national hotel magazine “BEDBUGS PUT THE BITE ON HOTEL BUSINESS Could heat be the answer?” April 2006
On January 9, 2008 Department of Pesticide Regulation, in conjunction with the SPCB and Department of Agriculture registered ThermaPureHeat for use in the eradication of wood destroying insects, assigned this technology an EPA Number 1051175-500001-AA and certified and stamped as code the ThermaPureHeat Technician Manual.
Church Educational System
Institute Director and Instructor and Seminary Coordinator, 1990 to 2003.
Taught over 10,000 college students in CES Institute Program.
Coordinated Early-morning Seminary Program involving 2,500 high school students and trained over 100 Seminary Teachers
Directed activities of CES Institute Program at Junior College and University levels.
Initiated program to allow Cal State Fullerton Institute students to interact with business professionals.
Expanded university institute programs of 100 students each semester to 500 students each semester.
Columbia Pest Control and Division of Fumigation
President, 1975 to 1990
Negotiated lucrative subcontract fumigation agreements with pest control companies, Orkin, Western Pest Control, Hydrex, Dewey and Terminix, to perform fumigation services under the name Division of Fumigation.
Increased annual revenues from $150,000 to $4.5 million beginning in 1975 and continuing to 1990.
Pioneered subcontract fumigation in California's Central Valley from Bakersfield to Fresno California.
Developed the largest subcontract fumigation company in the U.S. fumigating 20 to 25 million cubic feet of structures monthly.
Participated in independent fumigation safety studies which verified that Division of Fumigation was superior to any fumigation company at the time in containing the most lethal fumigants known to mankind.
Implemented customer service strategy which resolved consumer complaints regardless of culpability.
Educational Background
Ph.D. Business Administration & Management, Ashbourne University, London, 2004
Masters, Ancient Scriptures, Church Educational System, 1999